There is a new version of Google Maps for Blackberry 8800. Actually, there was never a version for 8800 but version for 8700 worked flawlessly on 8800.
When I heard of new version with GPS Integrated, i though i should give it a try. Well, I am disappointed. So, here is the reason why.
1. GPS looks like a afterthought of the implementation or a release just for the same of it. It takes more time to locate your position than blackberry maps that is installed.
2. Map does not rotate with your direction of movement. This seems to be the flaw inherited because of how Google Map was originally implemented. Map is always North on top and a small blue arrow to show your direction of movement. I actually liked the way Blackberry maps works as it shows your direction of movement on top and rotates map so you get a better view.
3. it does not show your speed. not that it matters a lot. But in BB Maps, your speed and directio of movement (East,West, etc) is show with speed. In Google Maps, it is a small arrow and frankly, hard to read
4. There is no way to explicitly shut off GPS from Maps. So, if you want to use Google Maps product on BB 8800, you will consume lot of batter power.
The product seems to be working faster than 8700 version but while vehicle is in motion, loading of maps is slower compared to blackberry maps. I love almost all of the google products but I was certainly expecting a lot more innovation in this production. :(